First Steering Committee Meeting

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There was a positive atmosphere for the first LA³NET SC meeting held on 23rd March 2012 on neutral territory in Brussels to discuss the strategic management of the network. Topics of discussion centred on the recruitment of fellows, future events and dissemination activity.

Recruitment has progressed well during the first round with potentially 7 positions to be filled out of the 17 places. It was also noted that for forthcoming recruitment rounds with deadlines of 15th April and 30th May it is mandatory that all the partners publish their open positions on EURAXESS. It is also important that the draft Career Development Plans (CDPs) are prepared ready for the new starters to assess ahead of discussions over the finalisation of these plans.

The arrangements for the School on Laser Applications in GANIL in October 2012 were discussed and a draft schedule agreed along with provisional speakers to be contacted. Details are available on the CERN Indico website where registrations are being taken.

The cost of advertising vacancies was discussed and future strategy agreed. The project website and template for the newsletter was reviewed and approved by the Committee. Other dissemination activities to raise the profile of LA³NET were described including sponsorship of a Young Researcher award at the LAP12 conference in Paris in June and representation at the DITANET industry stand at IPAC12 in New Orleans in May.

All six SC members attended the meeting: Carsten P. Welsch and Rob Ashworth (University of Liverpool), Enrique Conejero-Jarque (Centro de Laseres Pulsados Ultracortos Ultraintensos), Arnd Baurichter (Danfysik), Nathalie Lecesne (Grand Accelerateur National D’Ions Lourds) and Allan Gillespie (University of Dundee).

The approved minutes are available to project stakeholders on the LA³NET VOCAL site.