LA³NET on the international stage at IPAC12

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An industry stand was taken to showcase LA³NET at the International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC12 held in New Orleans 21st – 25th May 2012.

‌‌IPAC is the main conference for particle accelerator science held annually with over 1,200 top scientists and engineers attending five days of oral presentations, poster sessions and networking based around 85 industry exhibition stands. Professor Carsten Welsch also defended a poster describing LA³NET along with other presentations of DITANET and oPAC, other two European ITN projects coordinated by the University of Liverpool from the Cockcroft Institute.

The effort successfully raised the profile LA³NET on the international stage for particle accelerators achieving the ‌three main aims to:

‌‌• Advertise vacancies for Early Stage Researchers within the LA³NET project
• Publicise opportunities for organisations to join the network as adjunct partners
• Publicise future activities that are open for external participation such as the project schools and awards‌