CLPU - Centro de Laseres Pulsados Ultracortos Ultraintensos

Contact: Enrique Conejero-Jarque

The Ultra-short, Ultra-intense Pulsed Laser Centre (CLPU) is a new research facility that was created as a Consortium of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, the Regional Government of Castilla y León and the University of Salamanca, as part of the implementation of the Spanish Scientific Infrastructures Roadmap.

‌The CLPU is a user facility and presently provides a laser system of 0.5 TW (50 mJ / 100 fs) at 800 nm central wavelength and 10 Hz repetition rate, as well as a CPA laser system of 20 TW (400 mJ / 20fs) at 800 nm central wavelength and 10 Hz rep rate. From 2011 it will also have its own 100 TW CPA laser system and a 1 PW system from the beginning of 2012. The center regularly welcomes a large number of users from universities, the microelectronic industry, and other research centers. Although initially most of the users were from Spain, the CLPU attracted many research groups from all across Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia in the last few years.

‌Equipped with state-of-the-art experimental facilities, the objectives of CLPU are to build and operate a Petawatt Laser in Salamanca, to develop ultra-short-pulse technology, to make significant advances in intense compact laser technology and to promote the use of such technology in several fields such as Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine and Energy. It aims at opening the facility to the domestic and international scientific community.

‌CLPU has very experienced staff committed to high level research and training. It will offer a broad training program to the LA³NET ESRs and is ready to welcome other trainees, and experienced colleagues, from within the network.
