About us
The work of LA3NET focussed on the exploitation of lasers for applications at accelerator facilities for ion beam generation, acceleration and diagnostics. The multimillion Euro international research network was part of the FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) scheme.
LA³NET successfully trained 19 Fellows working on dedicated projects to research and develop a complete spectrum of laser-based applications for accelerators. The training has been recognized by the European Commission as an international “success story” as part of formal project reviews and is amongst the very best research and training programmes in the world. The Fellows have built a very remarkable skills set which will be an excellent basis for their future careers.
More than 30 partner organizations including universities, research centres and private companies working in this field, provided a cross-sector interdisciplinary environment for beyond state-of-the-art research and researcher training while developing links and new collaborations.
The network will continue to post news on this website and the following social media channels:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 289191.