Bookings with me: A new way to manage your appointments

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IT Services has introduced Microsoft Bookings with me, a new way to manage your appointments with other members of staff, students, and your external contacts.

Bookings with me allows you to make specific times available for others to book one-to-one meetings with you, without you needing to share your whole calendar.  

Bookings with me works with your Outlook calendar to ensure that appointments are not booked when you are unavailable. You can also customise your Bookings with me options to suit you and your availability, with options to alter meeting length and gaps between your meetings, and restrict bookings to certain days and times, or certain people.  

IT Services has put together some simple instructions and a video guide, so you can get started with using Bookings with me straightaway.  

If you would like any further information or assistance, please contact the IT Service Desk.