#TheDigitalDimension competition winners

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Photo competition prizes assembled on a table including headphones, speaker and smart watch

We hope we’ve kept you waiting with bated breath for the announcement of our photo competition winners. We had a fantastic time at our event in April and we hope you did too! First, a quick thank you to everyone who engaged with us on this event and the competition that has followed; it has been a joy to get to know our community better.

We’ve contacted our competition winners directly, but we also wanted to share their fantastic submissions. Entrants were judged on how they engaged with our optical illusions, originality, and most importantly, fun!

Our lucky winners are:

Andy Su

students posing for a photo while stood on an optical illusion on the floor of University Square

Miriam Mirtorabi

two students doing headstands on an optical illusion on the floor of University Square

Ryan Davies

Student posing on an optical illusion on the floor of University Square

We hope you had a fantastic experience with #TheDigitalDimension and we can’t wait to do more events in future.

In the meantime, make sure you’re following us on socials @LivUniIT and subscribe to our newsletter for updates, announcements, and more from IT Services.