Mental Health Awareness Week 2024: Move It, Catch It, Mind It

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Someone listening to something in headphones with their eyes closed in front of blue background

Mental Health Awareness Week took place from 13 to 19 May 2024. This year’s theme was Movement: moving for our mental health, something we are very conscious of in IT Services as it’s easy to sit at your computer all day without realising you haven’t taken a break and moved around.

There are of course various barriers which might prevent us moving as much as we would like to, including accessibility, time, and money, but it’s important to remember to incorporate movement into your day especially if you are working or studying on a computer for long periods of time.

Movement is about more than going to the gym or playing sport – making sure you move away from your desk regularly or standing during your next online meeting will be beneficial for your mental and physical health.

You can use Workrave to remind you to move away from your screen. Available to download from Install University Applications, this simple app prompts you to take regular breaks and can help ensure you take a proper digital break every day. When you do this, remember to put your phone down and try to go for a walk, read a book, or do something creative.

Exposure to the blue light from screens can affect your sleep pattern, so it’s helpful to step away from your screens (including your phone) for at least an hour before you go to bed. If you’re using the internet, some content could create, trigger, or reinforce negative thinking patterns that can disrupt your sleep. Go through your social media and unfollow any accounts whose content is harmful to your mental health. If you need it, the Block button is there for a reason!

It can be easy to become overwhelmed by the challenges of daily life, especially as we move towards the end of the academic year with the added pressure of exams. The free Catch It app, developed by researchers at the University of Liverpool, in partnership with the University of Manchester, can help you to manage your mental health by allowing you to track, understand, and change negative thoughts and emotions.

IT Services is proud to support you with taking care of your mental health during Mental Health Awareness Week and beyond. Everyone can benefit from taking regular screen breaks and being mindful of the content they consume online. It can be tricky to remember to look after yourself when you’re busy, but our apps are there to help you remember to take a break, move around and be more aware of your emotional wellbeing.