Don’t be an April fool! Stay safe and secure with IT Services

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IT Services is continuing a busy year, rolling out new technology and ensuring our cyber security measures are up to date so everyone at the University stays safe and secure. 

As the days grow longer and warmer, it becomes easier to forget the simple things we all need to do every day to keep ours and the University’s data protected. So, we wanted to update you on our key projects which include the security measures we are taking to help you stay vigilant. 


What’s happening? 

  • Phishing is not always in your Inbox 
    Many people are familiar with email phishing, where fake messages claiming to be from a person or organisation you trust (eg a bank or colleague) attempt to compromise yours or the University’s data through methods such asking you to reply with confidential information or click an erroneous link to verify account details. But you might be surprised to learn that there has recently been an increase in phishing messages being sent to Microsoft Teams chats. Don’t worry though, as there are simple things you can do to help IT Services keep you and the University safe. 
  • Stata 18 now available 
    Stata 18 is a powerful statistical analysis tool for the manipulation, customisation, and visualisation of data handling and reporting. The software is widely used in research and replaces Stata 14 previously used across 50 different areas of the University. Stata 18 is available to faculty, staff, and students. 
  • Upgrade to Office 365 
    IT Services has undertaken a University wide rollout of Microsoft Office 365, replacing any earlier versions. Thank you to all staff members who have upgraded their machines in the last few months. Upgrading to the latest version of Office provides more security for your and the University’s data, and allows IT Services to introduce new features such as sensitivity labelling and seamless collaboration through the eradication of compatibility issues. 
  • Launch of Network Access Control (NAC) 
    The implementation of Cisco's Network Access Control (NAC) is part of our ongoing security enhancements which will strengthen our network infrastructure. The NAC ensures that only devices which meet the University's security requirements can access the network; those that do not may be given restricted access. NAC is being rolled out University wide in phases and you will receive a direct notification when it is coming to your area. 


And what can I do? 

  • As part of your ongoing commitment to staying vigilant and secure when using University technology, review the simple guidelines IT Services has put together to help you spot phishing attempts in Teams chats. Remember that if you unexpectedly receive a request to join a conversation from an external contact this could be a phishing attempt so you should verify the request by email or phone before accepting. Keep your browser and operating system up to date to protect against phishing attacks and other cyber security threats. 
  • Keeping both the Information Protection Guide and AUP Quick Guide somewhere visible is a brilliant way to remind yourself of the essential points and a reminder to regularly review both documents. Why not discuss the documents in your next team meeting and talk about the ways these policies affect your team’s day-to-day work? 
  • For those of you who haven't yet upgraded to Office 365, you should now receive a pop-up prompt at least once a day. If you do receive this message, please upgrade your machine as soon as possible. 
  • If you are using a non-managed device, please ensure that you have up to date antimalware installed in preparation for the launch of NAC in your area. 

IT Services is always happy to help you ensure you are using our technology to its full potential, so if you have any questions at all, please get in touch with the IT Service Desk. Sign up to YOUR I.T. Insight, a go-to resource for staying informed about the latest developments. Each edition features a curated selection of news, updates, tips, and trends to keep you ahead in the rapidly evolving world of tech.