10 Things you might not know about IT Services

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Our day job is helping you solve your IT queries, but there’s a lot more to us than meets the eye.

Did you know there’s more to us than the Service Desk? If you’re working on a project at the University, the likelihood is we’re involved in some way. Here are some facts and figures about IT Services that might surprise you.  

1. How many?

The Service Desk deals with over 8000 incidents each month. That’s 400 queries every working day. Smashing it…

2. Taking technology across campus

We’ve harnessed our technology to transform learning experiences in the University by facilitating the provision of accessible study spaces and soundproof Zoom pods in the libraries. 

3. My Liverpool student portal

We are developing the new student portal, My Liverpool, launching in September 2024. Get ready to welcome a single gateway for students, providing a personalised dashboard that follows students throughout their University journey. 

4. Help yourself to our skills and knowledge

There are 1596 articles available to help you in our self-service portal. If the thought of calling someone for help with a problem fills you with dread, check out our knowledge base for step-by-step instructions.

5. 46 years of service

Our two longest-serving IT Services staff members both started on the same day: 15 May 1978.

6. Dog days aren't over

We work with the Vet School to contribute to animal welfare through the development of apps such as Dogma, a tool to help assess and manage your four-legged friend’s mobility and weight.

7. We champion YOUR I.T.

We’ve launched a host of new platforms to support our latest campaign. Subscribe to YOUR I.T. Insight, visit our campaign site, and find us on LinkedInInstagram and Twitter (X).

8. Need help getting your information in order?

IT Services can help with all aspects of information management and governance and the information security team can advise on appropriate ways to protect that information. There’s no excuse now not to tackle that overflowing inbox, sprawling SharePoint site or those checks on your sharing permissions.

9. Conscious computing

Since September 2023 we have diverted 97% of our IT hardware waste from landfills.

10. Driving transformation

IT Services is currently driving over 250 projects across the University. 61% of these focus on growth and transformation. 

Bonus facts!

Because we’re generous, here are some bonus facts about our team members. 

  • One of our colleagues lives in a small north Wales village called Llanarmon-yn-Ial where potato growing is a competitive sport in the summer months 
  • One of our colleagues ran seven marathons in seven days for the Alzheimer’s Society in memory of his mum.  
  • We’ve seen our team members compete on TV shows such as Only Connect and Pointless, where the jackpot was won!  

There's so much more than IT Services than you might think. And you can find out even more about us by following our social media.