5 IT tasks you can tick off your list before you arrive on campus

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Making sure you have everything sorted before the start of term can be a stressful and daunting undertaking. In order to facilitate a smooth transition for all new students, we have put together a series of tasks that you can complete before arriving on campus in order to make your arrival to the University of Liverpool that much easier.

  1. Activate your account

    Activating your account is by the far most important thing you can do before you arrive. This will provide you with your username and password, and with these you can access your University email as well as a number of University IT services.

  2. Check your email

    Your University email account will be your primary point of contact for tutors, lecturers, and other University staff. Check out your email account and try to familiarise yourself with some of its basic functions.

  3. Enrol your mobile for Duo 2FA

    Duo two-factor authentication (2FA) is a programme used by the University of Liverpool to add an extra layer of security beyond just your username and password. Many applications will require you to use Duo when logging in so enrolling your mobile in advance will save you a lot of time and hassle.

  4. Install antivirus software on your personal devices

    While all University devices have antivirus software preinstalled we also provide students with free antivirus software that they are able to install on their personal devices. Once you have activated your computing account, you’re able to download Sophos Home directly onto your own PC or laptop.

  5. Read the Ts & Cs

    The IT Acceptable Use Policy applies to all staff, students, and even visitors using University IT services. This policy outlines the acceptable and prohibited use of IT services as well as the responsibilities incumbent upon the user. We would highly recommend you read through this policy to get a better understanding of what behaviour will be expected of you when using University devices and services.

These five tasks are probably the most important things you can do before your arrival on campus but for more information on how to get started with the University’s IT services, check out our Quickstart guide. You can also follow us on Twitter @LivUniIT for updates and answers to your questions.