Using the internet mindfully
Posted on: 1 August 2024 in Tech Tips

1 August is World Wide Web Day, celebrating release of the World Wide Web browser on the public internet in 1991. And it’s a day that changed all our lives forever.
What would life be without the internet? Does the online world enhance or negatively impact our lives?
Probably a bit of both. This World Wide Web Day we wanted to summarise a few tips to help keep your online life positive and healthy.
Tips for using the internet mindfully
- Make sure you take regular digital breaks away from screens and online content. Workrave is a great app available via Install University Applications (IUA) which reminds you to take breaks.
- Stop using the internet for an hour before going to bed. Exposure to the screen affects sleep patterns and some content could also create, trigger, or reinforce negative thinking patterns that disrupt your sleep.
- Unfollow any accounts whose content is harmful to your wellbeing. If you need it, the Block button is there for a reason!
- Everyone is producing content on the internet and your voice matters. Why not share your knowledge of digital wellbeing and internet safety with your online and offline friends to contribute to a healthier and safer online world for everyone?
- Online communication is all part of using and being present on the internet. You may receive notifications and messages within individual apps, as well as emails in your inbox. Never click links in emails or messages from people you don’t know, especially when these are asking you to verify your account or identity.
- It is important to install anti-malware on any devices you use to access the internet to keep your computer secure and free from viruses. The University has an agreement in place with Sophos, to provide all staff and students with Sophos Home antivirus to install on your personal home computers.
- Another easy way to keep your device secure is to keep the operating system and software up to date. Updates feature security patches, new and improved functionality, secure your data, and improve performance.
- Remember you can learn more about staying safe in the online world by completing the University’s cyber security training (available in Microsoft Teams under MyCompliance for staff and in Canvas under Knowhow: Study for Success > Digital Skills > Cyber Security for students).
- All staff and students also have access to LinkedIn Learning, which features a wide range of training courses and videos on many subjects. Search “cyber security” to see what’s available.
- Simply slowing down to double check links and content before engaging can be very beneficial.
What is one thing you could do this World Wide Web Day to make a difference? Could you put out positive content, raise awareness of issues or tell others about the benefits of digital breaks? We’d love to hear your ideas. Tag @livuniit #YourIT
Keywords: Internet, World Wide Web Day, Tech tips.