‘Relax, focus but don’t worry too much and remember there’s always tomorrow’
Posted on: 28 October 2024 in Meet our Team

Things are changing for IT Services. We have said goodbye to our Chief Digital Information Officer, Dan Lawrence. Until a permanent replacement is found, Mark Hilditch and Andy Dolben from our Senior Management team have stepped up to run things. We asked them a few questions so you can get to know them better.
How long have you worked at the University?
Andy: Just short of 9 years (I think it’s once I get to 10 that I stop being ‘new’!).
Mark: 6.5 years.
What does a typical day in the office look like for you?
Andy: There are quite a few meetings and workshops at the moment. The emerging Digital Strategy and roadmaps, for example, and key projects that the department is involved with. There’s also a lot of focus around taking Operational Management team and Project Management Office initiatives forward. It’s also great to catch up with teams in person – both within sessions and around the kitchen and communal spaces.
Mark: 6.15am drive from Manchester with a 7.30 start in the office, usually finishing about 5pm. Lots of meetings all day with opportunities in-between to catch up with people next to the sink or lift. I lead the infrastructure and security teams so it’s always busy for us, especially during term time. We have a lot of ongoing projects at the minute including new bitesize cyber security training. It’s only a few short videos so make sure you’ve done yours.
Tell us something most people who work with you might be surprised to learn.
Andy: I once played on BBC Radio Wales’ version of the Live Lounge…
Mark: I brought up three children as a single parent, but I am a black belt in martial arts so no messing at bedtime!
If you could swap roles with anyone in the University for one day, who would it be?
Andy: I’d probably look to swap several times…I’ve found it really useful over the years to meet with and get a view from the different areas across the University. From Professional Services, academic, research or support spaces – to understand what’s important to them, and how we within IT Services can best support.
Mark: The new Chief Operating Officer – oh the power!
What innovation or technology trend are you most excited about for the future?
Andy: This is a difficult one, as there’s so much happening at the moment. Probably AI and data, as this is a huge foundational piece. AI has so much potential – both to really enhance the student experience, but also the way that we work, teach, and research, with some exciting discussions developing as part of the Digital Strategy.
Mark: I think we should be both excited and nervous about the future of Quantum Computing and AI and therefore I suppose Quantum AI too…the mind can’t even imagine the capability.
What’s your favourite snack to get you through the workday?
Andy: I’m partial to a pastry.
Mark: I do like a bag of crisps.
What can we expect from IT Services this academic year? Do we have any major projects underway?
Andy: Drawing the Digital Strategy and delivery roadmaps through will be a major focus over the next twelve months. It will provide not only IT Services, but also the wider institution with a clear direction and steer over the next 6 to 7 years. There has already been a lot of discussions within the data and systems spaces, with more to kick off in coming months around Education, Research, Security, Infrastructure and Enabling.
Digital transformation more widely will provide ongoing opportunities to pick up on the latest opportunities and partnerships – as well as optimising our current solutions.
Beyond that, as ever, IT Services is both leading, shaping and/or heavily involved in a wide range of major projects. This includes Unit4Cloud (a major finance transformation piece that will span the next few years), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the various Education Student Experience strands, the Research Finance Systems Improvement Project and data, to name only a few…
Mark: It will be really good to finish the strategic road mapping exercises to give us clear direction and a vision to promote. Great foundations already provided from infrastructure teams, data transformation journey commenced, we also have CRM and Identity Management (IDM) projects underway, so I guess Data Centre and Cloud Strategies come next…
If you could impart one piece of wisdom to your junior colleagues, what would it be?
Andy: Reach out to colleagues – both within the department, and beyond. Having come to Higher Education relatively recently, the University is an incredibly collegiate environment, and so much about working here is about relationships, developing ideas and joint solutions.
Mark: Relax, focus but don’t worry too much and remember there’s always tomorrow…
Lastly, and most importantly, what’s your favourite song?
Andy: It varies daily tbh…Today it’s The Charlatans’ One to Another (a 90s classic).
Mark: Amazed – Lonestar (Wedding first dance – see, I’m a big softy really).
Keywords: Andy Dolben, Mark Hilditch, Leaders, profile, IT Services.