
The direction that we take with the development of IT services is influenced by our stakeholders. We engage with a variety of formal and informal channels through which decisions are taken to steer the direction and development of our IT services. We work with committees, directly with our senior business partners, and engage with students.

Formal committees and working groups

The department contributes to decision-making and is represented on a range of University committees including the Education Committee, Academic Standards & Quality (AQSC) Committee, Faculty Education Committees, Environment, Systems and Sustainability Committee and the University Change Board.

On an operational level we are involved with a wide range of working groups and project teams which help to align our service delivery with the needs of our staff and students.

Senior business partners

We work directly with departments which are responsible for the day-to-day administration of systems, such as Student Administration and Recruitment and Admissions (Banner - the student records system), Finance Office (Agresso), Human Resources (CoreHR), Facilities (Planon) and the Centre for Lifelong Learning (Canvas). The development of these systems is undertaken with the business needs of stakeholders in mind, and we work closely to ensure that systems and services are aligned to meet those needs.

Student engagement

The department also plays a direct and active role with engaging students in the work that we do. Our staff join Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) meetings, and we seek feedback using a variety of methods including surveys, social media engagement, and focus groups, to consult with students about the services that we provide.