Theatre of Witness (Derry Playhouse)

Developed by Teya Sepinuck, a form of performance 'that gives voice to those who have been marginalised, forgotten or are invisible in society.

 Psoter for

True life stories, performed by the people themselves, are shared onstage so that audiences can collectively bear witness to issues of suffering, redemption and social justice'. It was developed outside of NI, and Playhouse received SEUPB funding for a Theatre of Witness programme from 2009 to 2014;

The eight documentaries/films produced during this programme are on the Playhouse websit or below.

Organisers / Practitioners: Playhouse Derry; Teya Sepinuck.

Funders (not exhaustive): SEUPB. Theme: victims and survivors. AfR Methodology: Theatre of Witness.

Further Information

Derry Playhouse [WaybackMachine]

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