Don’t Shoot My Wane, Shoot Me (Greater Shantallow Community Arts )

A play about punishment shootings in Derry which seeks to include all 'sides' of the issue - victims, families, public discourse, shooters - and therefore involve difficult conversations with those involved, to be put on in April 2019.

Poster advertising performance of

56 participants (30 CNR, 20 PUL, 6 BME/other) have been interviewed and are currently devising and rehearsing fictionalised theatre/dance/film presentation based on experiences described in interviews. Interactive performance on the impact of punishment attacks across the communities will engage in in-show debate about punishment shootings. Filmed documentation of production to be distributed as DVD and online to schools and community groups. First SEUPB Peace funded project for GSCA since 2004 – they have previously resisted funding that targets recruitment of specific proportions of CNR/PUL participants.

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