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Our hope, your Will

Our hope, your Will

A gift in your Will is an extraordinary way to celebrate your life and a unique way to remember the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Irish Studies.

Legacy gifts are a vital source of financial support to the Institute. Whatever the size, they are valued and celebrated. 

Your gift will shape our future and play an important role in educating, informing and examining all aspects of Irish life for future generations.

Our hope: to continue to give students the opportunity to study Ireland in Britain for generations to come. Your will to support our vision can make this possible, and together we will be “dedicated to the advancement of learning and ennoblement of life”.

We appreciate the significance of making your Will and that it is a personal decision. After looking after your family and loved ones, you may feel the time is right to consider a gift to the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Irish Studies.  Whatever your motivation, interest, or passion, we would like to work with you to ensure your gift is used exactly as intended.

Although we cannot offer legal advice, we can offer assistance and signpost you to the best possible place to receive advice before you consult a solicitor regarding making a Will. 

Providing a legacy gift can also help reduce inheritance tax on your entire estate. The University is an exempt charity under the terms of the Charities Act 2011 (Exempt Charity Number: X7758). The Office for Students (OfS) is the principal regulator of those higher education institutions that are exempt charities.

If you would like to discuss how to support the Institute of Irish Studies through a gift in your Will, please contact Gerard Diver, Strategy and Innovation Officer (

You can visit the University of Liverpool legacy page for information sources, suggested wording for your Will, and to download our legacy brochure.

Alternatively, you can complete our contact form and Carolyn Jones (Legacy Officer) will get back to you.

We hope you Will.