Women of the Viking World

Start time: 09:00 / End time: 17:00 / Date: 28 Aug 2024 / Venue: Central Teaching Hub

Open to: Any UOL students / Any UOL staff / Students from other HEIs / Staff from other HEIs/research institutions

Type: Conference

Cost: £40 - 2 Day Pass £25 - 1 Day Pass £15 - Online Attendance (Day passes include refreshemnts and lunch) To book, please go to https://payments.liv.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/events-at-liverpool/school-of-histories-languages-and-cultures/women-of-the-viking-world-27-28-august.

Contact: For more information contact Viola Segeroth at irish@liverpool.ac.uk

Website: http://www.vikingagewomen.com/

Booking: https://payments.liv.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/events-at-liverpool/school-of-histories-languages-and-cultures/women-of-the-viking-world-27-28-august

About the event

Research on women of the Viking world has gained momentum in recent years, with new perspectives and possibilities being introduced. Traditional views are still prominent however, with women often diminished to spectators within a patriarchal society. However, there is growing evidence to suggest women enjoyed more active and varied societal roles which are far more significant than have previously been considered. Thus, this conference aims to bring together scholars from all disciplines of the field to deliver this new broader perspective on women of the Viking world.

For more information, including the full programme, please go to http://www.vikingagewomen.com/.

The conference also includes a public book launch, to register for "Viking and Ecclesiastical Interactions in the Irish Sea Area from the 9th to 11th Centuries" by Dr Dr Danica Ramsey-Brimberg, pelase go to https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/irishinstitute/book-launch-viking-and-ecclesiastical-interactions-in-the-irish-sea-area-from-the-9th-to-11th-centu/2024-07-01/13:00/t-noegkgn

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