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Connecting Higher Education and Communities

Interchange is a registered charity (No. 1038129). Our aim is to connect VCOs who have research or work-based learning project and students in Higher Education who are looking for such project opportunities. Part of the School of Law and Social Justice, our students are from the Department of Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology, and are in the final year of their studies.

About Interchange Students sit together at a table holding coffee cups.

About Interchange

Learn more about Interchange and how we connect students with Voluntary and Community Organisations to create meaningful research and social policy projects. 

For Voluntary and Community Organisations Interchange staff meeting with community group members.

Voluntary and Community Organisations

We’re looking for research or work-based research project ideas.  Find out how you can get free research for your not-for-profit organisation.

Information for students Two students sat a laptop together in the SLSJ Building foyer.

Information for students

If you're thinking about research or a work-based learning project for your final year, Interchange can help you work with a diverse range of community and voluntary organisations.

Our partners Close up of two hand shaking eachother.

Our partners

We our proud to work with a diverse range of community and voluntary organisations.