Proximities - a new lecture series presented by the Institute of Popular Music
Posted on: 30 April 2021 in Posts

The Institute of Popular Music at the University of Liverpool invites you to a new lecture series, Proximities.
Proximities celebrates varied and innovative frames of proximity, through our research and through this virtual platform. We build foci on music in the popular - experienced, performed, created and enjoyed - through perspectives and studies from diverse disciplines and geographies. This edition of Proximities will take place on Tuesday, 11th May 2021 (4:00-6:30pm UTC +1): it will include an exciting panel with three talks, each 20-25 minutes followed by Q & A, finished with an extended discussion.
Details follow in the programme below:
IPM Proximities - Tuesday, the 11th of May 2021, 4:00-6:30pm UTC+1
4:00 Welcome and Introductions
4:10 Professor Ruth Hellier, Professor, Departments of Music and Theater/Dance at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Singing, life-writing and sensory memories: nurturing “Mexico” with Ixya Herrera.
4:50 Dr. David Kerr, Programme Manager, the Africa Oxford Initiative and Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg
Urban space and sonic play in Singeli: Electronic music production in Dar es Salaam
5:30 Dr. Andrew Green, Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow, University of Glasgow
‘Yo Te AMLO’: Listening to Mexico’s elections
6:10 Onwards, extended discussion and drinks (optional and virtually BYOB).
The event will be hosted by Dr. Freya Jarman and Dr. Simran Singh.
You are advised to join 5 minutes prior to the designated start of the talk of your interest.
Please contact for the Zoom link and login details; do include this subject line: Proximities: A new lecture series from The Institute of Popular Music.
Keywords: event, music and politics, space, electronic music, memory.