Greatest Hits, Friday 7 June 2024
Posted on: 21 May 2024 in Posts

Institute of Popular Music, University of Liverpool
Greatest Hits, Friday 7th June, will be a day of music, conversation, food and wine hosted by the Institute of Popular Music (IPM).
Greatest Hits Workshop and Networking Event, 11.00am-2.45pm in The Hub, Department of Music
The IPM workshop is an annual event offering an opportunity for those interested in popular music research to get together and engage in discussion and social networking. This year’s event features speakers from the Liverpool City Region, and from various academic disciplines. The speakers will reflect on the ‘greatest hits’ of their popular music research, whether their most successful, enjoyable, or memorable project. This will involve presentations on various topics, including music and film, music and politics, Elvis and the archive, record collecting, British dance bands, ‘global pop’, and electronic and heavy metal music in the Liverpool City Region.
Greatest Hits Exhibition Launch, 3pm-5pm in the Waterhouse Café, Victoria Gallery & Museum
The launch of the ‘Greatest Hits’ exhibition featuring items from the IPM Archive.
The IPM archive is an extensive, significant, and wide-ranging collection of materials gifted to the IPM since its establishment in 1988. It includes over 80,000 vinyl records and thousands of reel-to-reels, as well as CDs, cassettes, a substantial collection of paper archives, some rare material, and a wide range of special donations.
As part of the IPM’s aim to make the archive publicly accessible, IPM Archivist Louise Bruton has worked with popular music researchers and archivists at the University of Liverpool to co-curate a small selection of items from the archive, each selected because of its links to current research interests or a personal connection. Together, the items illustrate a variety of formats, genres, eras and special collections. They will be showcased at a physical exhibition staged at the Waterhouse Café, Victoria Museum & Gallery (VGM), and via a digital exhibition that mirrors the physical exhibition and features ‘deep dive’ blogs on the showcased items.
The Institute of Popular Music
Founded in 1988 as the world’s first specialist centre for the study of popular music, the Institute of Popular Music (IPM) provides a hub for interdisciplinary research on popular music, broadly defined. We examine popular music from different perspectives and explore the many varied contexts and processes involved in its production and consumption.
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