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I work in the Small Animal teaching Hospital at the Leahurst Campus as part of the internal medicine team. Here I oversea internal medicine referral cases and train undergraduate students in small animal internal medicine. With nearly thirty years of experience, I enjoy encouraging students to develop the complex, integrative thought process required to manage these cases.
I am also a PI on the Small Animal Surveillance Network (SAVSNET) project. SAVSNET collates a growing database with over 8 million clinical notes from over 400 veterinary premises across the UK. My key interest here is text-mining clinical notes to gain insights in to companion animal health. This brings together interests in small animal medicine and computer programming. I have written a suite of tools (SAVSNET Datalab) used by undergraduate and post-graduate students to pursue text-mining projects using SAVSNET data. Through collaborations with the Departments of Computer Science at Liverpool and Manchester and Durham University, I am also pursuing the use of the latest methodologies in machine learning to unlock the potential of the SAVSNET database.