PIPE-CF: A preclinical framework for antimicrobial therapeutics in cystic fibrosis
PIPE-CF brings together academics and clinicians from across the UK and North America, with a collective vision to validate and standardise preclinical drug testing pipelines for cystic fibrosis anti-infective drugs.
Antibiotics are the main treatment for CF respiratory infections but antimicrobial resistance is an accelerating problem and new drugs are urgently needed. The process of developing new therapies and making them available to people with cystic fibrosis is hampered by uncertainty around which drug-screening models are most appropriate. This discourages academic and industrial drug development, as it makes the process harder to navigate. Despite the critical need for new medicines, there is no clear, accepted, industry-standard pathway for preclinical testing of antimicrobial therapies for use in cystic fibrosis.
To rapidly advance drug development, we will use a systematic approach to develop preclinical testing tailored to cystic fibrosis and the type of drug being developed. Our team includes cystic fibrosis microbiologists, clinicians, representatives of industry and people with cystic fibrosis.
This integrated approach, generously supported by Strategic Research Centre funding from the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, will support the development of new treatments for resistant bacteria, which are much needed by people with cystic fibrosis.
Partner Organisations
Liverpool NHS Trust Hospitals
University of Nottingham, UK
Cardiff University, UK
University of Cambridge, UK
University of Manchester, UK
University of Warwick, UK
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Université Laval Québec, Canada.