Strategies to control the spread of BDD: the disinfection of hoof trimming equipment.
To reduce the risk of BDD transmission via foot trimming knives (and gloves), we have developed a evidence-based disinfection protocol. A summary of the data used to design and validate this protocol is available via the following link: Disinfection of hoof trimming equipment: Introduction
The protocol itself, which has been developed in collaboration with AHDB, is available for download here:
Disinfection of hoof trimming equipment: Standard Operating Protocol
Because asymptomatic feet may have sub-clinical BDD (and hence be infected with treponemes) or other foot/horn lesions which may also be infected with BDD treponemes, this protocol should be used at all times during foot trimming, i.e. when trimming both diseased and healthy feet. This procedure should be used together with additional control strategies such as routine footbathing and effective slurry management on farm.