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Celebrating success at the IVES Away Day

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Professor Matthew Baylis presented his overview of the year.

Last week staff from across the Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences (IVES) gathered for the Institute away day, which highlighted Institute successes as well as plans and priorities for the coming year.

Professor Nicola Williams, IVES Deputy Executive Dean, welcomed attendees and provided an overview of the afternoon’s events. This included presentations and focused sessions, alongside opportunities for discussion and networking. 

IVES Athena Swan Lead, Professor Carri Westgarth presented a comprehensive overview of Athena Swan activity within the Institute, including data and action plan development.


Ceri Coulby from the University's Centre for Innovation in Education delivered a presentation on Generative AI and research integrity, discussing how researchers can utilise AI tools efficiently as well as ethically.  

This was followed by Professor Greg Hurst, IVES Research and Impact Lead, with an interactive session on research integrity, including paper retractions. 

After a short break, the afternoon continued with Professor Nicola Williams and Hannah Dutton (Research and Partnership Development) discussing the importance of narrative CVs and how many fellowship schemes are now accepting them.

Professor Matthew Baylis, IVES Executive Dean, concluded the session with an overview of the year’s highlights and successes before it was time to move onto the IVES Staff AwardsThis annual event is an opportunity to celebrate staff from across the Institute, with over 180 nominations received from staff and students across all of the award categories.   

Matthew commented: This is the first time that I’ve seen so many people in IVES in the same room from across all the departments, which is fantastic. IVES is one of the beacons of the University and we have a lot to be proud of. 

Award winners 

  • Adaptability – Charlie Milford, Technician, Veterinary Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology 
  • Best NewcomerAndy Stringer, Senior Lecturer, Livestock and One Health 
  • Early Career ResearcherAmie Wilson, Lecturer, Equine Clinical Science 
  • Enhancing Student ExperienceNicky Wylie, Student Experience Team, IVES Professional Services 
  • Excellence in a Supporting Role – Equine Yard Team: Jayne Tansey, Anna Sharp, Zoe Hill, Jennifer Knight, Bethan Hughes, Leanne Robinson, Jennifer Clarke and Rachel Hirst, Equine Clinical Science 
  • Great Team – Equine Residents Team: Maurice Connaughton, Connie Bowkett Pritchard, Lizzie Kopec, Nick Vos, Louise Breen and Anni Graham, Equine Clinical Science 
  • Innovator/CreatorPJ Noble, Senior Lecturer, Small Animal Clinical Science 
  • Inspirational Leader – Addy Darnton, Student Experience Team Leader, IVES Professional Services 
  • MentorSoraya Shirazi-Beechey, Professor, Infection, Biology and Microbiomes 
  • Staff External to IVES – Liz McMinn, Legal and Governance, Safety Office 
  • Technical Excellence – Sarah Northey, IVES Professional Services 
  • Unsung Hero – Grace Higham, Technician, IVES Professional Services 
  • Wellbeing Supporter – Leahurst PGR Wellbeing Ambassadors: Louise Jackson, Konstantina Kasiora and Katy Roy