Our undergraduate programmes
As a prominent Russell Group University, we have a vast research programme spanning across all of the Schools and Departments within the Faculty that underpins our teaching.
Internationally known experts teach our undergraduate students, and their research and discoveries feed directly into our curricula to create academically rigorous programmes. Similarly, our flexible combination combined degrees are a significant aspect of our undergraduate teaching, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of our research and our focus on 'real world' issues.
We offer a number of initiatives and extracurricular programmes across the Faculty which, combined with our teaching methods and local partnerships, give students excellent opportunities to develop a fully rounded CV and nurture the attributes employers look for.
We support students with prior learning and also provide a flexible route to our modules and programmes. Through the University’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), we welcome non-traditional qualifications for entry to particular programmes, and also recognise prior learning through experience to gain credit towards an award.