UALL SCUTREA Conference 2025
We welcome you to the UALL's annual conference, held here at University of Liverpool. This year's theme is Lifelong Learning as the heart of sustainable, equitable and future facing universities.
Submit your paper
There is currently a call for papers and workshop proposals for the conference, the deadline has been extended.
We are looking for submissions based around three key themes:
- Lifelong learning for a changing world
- Inclusivity and social justice
- Innovation and change
Those accepted to present papers will be invited to submit a full paper for consideration for publication in special issues of the several well-established journals.
About the conference
This year Go Higher is celebrating its 25th anniversary! As part of the celebrations, we are hosting the three-day SCUTREA (Standing Committee on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults) conference here at the University of Liverpool.
Save the date: 16th - 18th June 2025
This collaborative conference brings together practitioners, researchers, academics, activists and policy makers from across the globe to focus on research, policy and practice, with innovation in lifelong learning and adult education at its heart.
Given the challenges facing universities and further education, there has never been a greater need for expert adult education and lifelong learning educators and researchers to come together to celebrate, discuss, and shape the future – a future with adult learners at the core of our practice.