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James Bainbridge

Dr James Bainbridge


+44 (0)151 794 1327

+44 (0)151 794 3035 Ext. 3035


James Bainbridge is the deputy director of Go Higher the University of Liverpool's access diploma in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. In the Department of English he teaches and researches in eighteenth and twentieth-century literature. He is particularly interested in the influence of theology and natural sciences on the literature of the long-eighteenth century, narrative poetry, the work of Ezra Pound and Martin Heidegger, and emergent sexual identities in the twentieth century. He has published on George Crabbe and is currently writing a biography of the Birkenhead-born poet A.S.J. Tessimond.

Academic Support and Feedback Hours:

During Semester Two, I will be available for English Department students every Thursday at 10am and 2pm in Room 4/002, 19-23, Abercromby Square, or via Microsoft Teams to offer academic support.

Please email for appointments at other times, or to use another method (e.g. Zoom, telephone, face-to-face in a different location, etc.)

I will be available to meet with Go Higher students via Zoom every Tuesday at 2pm