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British Academy Global Professorships 2024

The University of Liverpool is currently inviting Intentions to submit from exceptional overseas mid-career and senior scholars to apply for this scheme and join the University of Liverpool.

The Scheme 

The British Academy Global Professorships are aimed at outstanding international mid-career and senior researchers in any disciplines within the Humanities and Social Sciences who do not currently work in the UK, to bring their research experience to the UK and strengthen the UK’s research base, capacity and capability in the humanities and the social sciences.

The programme aims to attract world-class, internationally-recognised established scholars to work in the United Kingdom for four years and further their individual research goals, while enhancing the UK’s commitment to international research partnerships and collaboration.

Applications must be for new, coherent and cutting-edge projects. The Academy is looking to support academics that are proposing ambitious, beyond the state-of-the-art applications that break new ground. The Global Professorships are an opportunity to undertake high-risk, curiosity-driven research in the humanities and social sciences that enables the award-holder and their UK host institution to achieve a step-change in their respective research programmes.

Each award will provide up to £900,000 funding for four years and the British Acadamey’s full application deadline is Wednesday 23 October 2024 (5pm GMT).


Despite its title, this scheme is not only for Professors. Applications are also welcome from mid-career researchers recognised in their field or with exceptional promise. Please read the British Academy Scheme guidance notes for full eligibility criteria.

The Academy wishes to particularly encourage applications from historically and/or structurally disadvantaged groups, low-income countries and female researchers. The scheme particularly encourages applications from researchers from countries with less-developed research systems (although all applications are encouraged and research excellence is key).

University of Liverpool's internal selection and support process

The BA have indicated that a maximum of 4 applications are permitted per institution for this highly competitive scheme. As such, the University of Liverpool has put in place a demand management process, which will be led and coordinated by the Research and Partnerships team in collaboration with Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Owing to the strategic nature of these 4-year appointments, there will also be a review of all EOIs submitted to ensure that there is a good strategic fit with the institution.

This process is open to all eligible applicants who fall within the British Academy’s remit. This process will also ensure that expert, dedicated support is available to selected candidates to help them develop applications of the highest quality and provide them with the best chance of success.

How to apply

1. Please ensure you have read the British Academy Scheme Notes for Applicants to ensure that you are fully eligible for this scheme and fit the remit of this call before progressing an internal application with the University of Liverpool.

2. Potential applicants must contact the Department with whom they wish to apply, to discuss their potential application and fit with the Department/School/Faculty. Please note that the fit between the applicant and the host UK institution are paramount for the success of this call (i.e. contribution to and enhancement of the host institution’s research strategy; suitability of the UK host institution for the applicant’s project; contribution to the UK more widely).

3. Once both sides have agreed to take the application forward, candidates must submit an Expression of Interest by completing the 2024 UoLBritish Academy Global Professorship EoI Proforma [Word doc 0.2MB] and returning it to by Monday 9 September, 4.00 pm (UK time). Details provided in the proforma will be used by the institutional peer review college for assessment.

4. Potential applicants must also ask the Head of their proposed host department to complete the BA Global Professorships HoD support statement [Word 36kb]. This can either be emailed directly by the HoD to by Monday 9 September, 4.00 pm (UK time), or can be attached to the applicant’s EOI submission. Prospective applicants are encouraged to meet with the Head of their proposed host department well in advance of the internal deadline to discuss completion of this form.

5. To be considered for assessment by the University of Liverpool for the British Academy Global Professorships, potential applicants are required to submit the following to by Monday 9 September, 16:00 (UK time):

 If you have any queries, please contact


Monday 9 September 2024, 4.00 pm (UK time)

Deadline for Internal Application submission.
Please send the following to

Thursday 19 September 2024 A panel meeting will take place to ensure eligibility, manage demand and select the highest quality applications to be developed for submission.
By Monday 23 September 2024 Outcome communicated to applicants and applications to be developed
Wednesday 23 October 2024, 5pm (UK time) British Academy deadline for submission.

*Please note that the Panel will provide feedback on the pro-forma to enable applicants to strengthen their full draft application. Further supportive peer review will be offered ahead of final submission.

More information


The University of Liverpool has recently launched its new strategy: Liverpool 2031, which outlines our ambitions and main priorities for the next 7 years. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read our new strategy to ensure their project aligns with our themes and priorities. 


For more specific information about research areas and priorities within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, consult our HSS Faculty webpages. Here you can find more information about our Faculty Research Themes, as well as explore research priorities and research groups based in our Schools and Departments, including details about our REF2021 results.

Further details are available on the University’s Peer Review College intranet and can be accessed by your University of Liverpool contact. 

If you have any queries please contact the Institutional Peer Review College by emailing

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