Research & Impact Newsletter Archive

Explore our newsletter archive below.


October 2022

Featuring Faculty research support, Child of the North webinars, Creative UK membership and more. Read online here.


September 2022

Featuring Dr Will Ashworth, research themes, Young Person's Advisory Group and more. Read online here.


July 2022

Featuring Dr Sophie Oliver, Impact Acceleration Awards, Visiting Heritage Fellows and more. Read online here.


June 2022

Featuring Dr Niamh Thornton, ECR guidance, and Heritage Keynote Lecture. Read more here.


May 2022

Featuring REF 2022 Results and headlines. Read more here.


April 2022

Featuring Knowledge Exchange videos, Bongo's Bingo, Open Access and Making an Impact. Read more here.


March 2022

Featuring Beckett Confined, KnowHow, and Good business Festival. Read more here.


February 2022

Including 'The Trouble with Tombs' recap, Dr Rosa Urbano Gutierrez, internal funding and RISE update. Read more here.


January 2022

Featuring Belinda Tyrrell, The Trouble with Tombs lecture, Tate partnership, and Open Research. Read more here.


November 2021

Featuring Dr Will Shankley, Visiting International Virtual Fellowships, Open Research, Peer REview Collage and more. Read online here.


October 2021

Featuring Dr Will Slocombe, Young People's Advisory Group, Open Access and more. Read online here.


September 2021

Featuring Dr Christian Cooijmans, new researcher induction, Journal of Beatles Studies and lot more. Read online here.


August 2021

Featuring Dr Hugo Lam, Tales from the Square, Open Access updates, FIHRM conference and more. Read online here.


June 2021

Featuring Sue Jarvis, Creative Industries Federation, Internationa Fellows showcase, arts-based engagement report and more. Read online here.


May 2021

Featuring Heritage Virtual Fellows, Research Professional workshops, sci-fi writing competition and more. Read online here.


April 2021

Featuring Dr Nicola Bermingham, KEF updates, Slavery & Unfree Labour podcast and more. Read online here.


29 March 2021

Featuring REF perspectives, ECR Network, working with parliament, Biennial podcasts and more. Read online here.


1 March 2021

Featuring Philip Leverhulme Prizes, RISE update, Medical Humanities and more. Read online here.


February 2021

Featuring Heritage keynote lecture, Covid research call, GCRF advisory board and more. Read online here.

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January 2021

Featuring Leverhulme Trust research centres, online research & funding support, short story competition and more. Read online here.


December 2020

Featuring Faculty REF timetable, Faculty Forum, city partners event, DTP submissions and more. Read online here.


November 2020

Featuring RISE project, ECR & Returners Fund, Concordat, Researcher Know-How and more. Read online here.


October 2020

Featuring REF2021 countdown, Prosper PI Network, Children & Childhood Derby Fellowship and more. Read online here.

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February 2020

Featuring Research Support Showcase, Engaging with Digital Humanities Event, Heseltine Clubmoor Investment and more. Read online here.

Newsletter Archive Jan 2020

January 2020

Featuring Prosper, Literature & Health event, Faculty Forum and Digital Humanities event. Read online here.

Newsletter Archive Dec 19

December 2019

Featuring ECR & Returners Fund, UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship, Join the RSA and more. Read online here.

Newsletter archive Oct 19

October 19

Featuring Heritage Reasearch Theme Awayday, Tearing Up The Past, Change Network, PGR Wellbeing and more. Read online here.

Newsletter archive Sept 19

September 2019

Featuring Social Science Impact Event, Research Support Inductiojn, Liverpool Literary Festival, Elements training and more. Read online here.

Newsletter Archive July 19

July 2019

Featuring AHRC New Generation Thinkers, CHSSoHMT Seed Funding, new Elements module and more. Read online here.

Newsletter Archive June 19

June 2019

Featuring Tate Liverpool opportunities, ECR career development, KEI&PE vouchers, Industrial Strategy Pump Priming. Read online here.

Newsletter Archive May 19

May 2019

Featuring Children's Health Research Funding, UKRI Future Leaders, School of Architecture Degree Show and more. Read online here.

Newsletter April 19

April 2019

Featuring Fine & Decorative Arts Collections, PGR Showcase, AHRC Advisory Board Opportunity and more. Read online here.

Newsletter Archive March 2019

March 2019

Featuring Making an Impact 2019, Wellcome Trust funding, Tate Exchange, the Big Infection Day and more. Read online here.

Newsletter Archive Feb 19

February 2019

Featuring the Faculty REF timetable, Special Collections & Archives, Tate Liverpool opportunities and more. Read online here.

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January 2019

Featuring Final REF 2021 guidance, ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, ECR Network, UKRI Collective Programme and more. Read online here.

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December 2018

Featuring Faculty Funding Report, Concordat for Research Development, ISCF Pump Priming Fund and more. Read online here.

Newsletter Oct 18

October 2018

Featuring medieval architecture, Tate Exchange, ODA Research Seed Funding, Athena Swan Awards, Flexible Faculty Fund and more. Read online here.

Newsletter Sept 18

September 2018

Featuring Dr Lisa Shaw, Research Support Showcase, Silk Road event, Faculty Broadcast Room, Enterprise Investment Fund and more. Read online here. 

Newsletter Aug 18

August 2018

Featuring Dr Claire Pierson, ECR & Returners Fund, industrial Strategy Pump Priming, Horizon 2020 and more. Read online here.


July 2018

Featuring Michael Hauskeller, HSS Faculty REF timetable, AHRC New Generation Thinkers, Derby Fellowships and lost more. Read online here.

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June 2018

Featuring Professor Caroline Gattrel, PGR showcase, Professor Sally Sheard's National Health Stories, Tate Exchange and more. Read online here.

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May 2018

Featuring Dr Craig Haslop, Illustrating Futures, Children's Health & Wellbeing Theme event, Brews and Brows and more. Read online here.

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April 2018

Featuring Professor Mark Boyle, the Heseltine Institute, NPIF Studentships, REF panel updates and more. Read online here.

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March 2018

Featuring Dr Aoife Daly, the Being Human Festival, Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse collaboration and th Tate Exchange. Read online here.

Newsletter Jan 18

January 2018

Featuring Professor Barry Godfrey, Elements update, Knowledge Transfer Partnership and Transformation Northwest. Read online here.

Newsletter Dec 17

December 2017

Featuring Professor Alex Balch, LiNK Placement Scheme, Industrial Strategy White Paper and more. Read online here.