Meet the Expert
Dr Liz Turner – Lecturer in Sociology and Criminology in Singapore
Liz’s research is animated by an interest in democratic theory and how this connects to a range of social practices and institutions, including policing, community engagement and social scientific research. Her published work has covered topics ranging from public perceptions of criminal justice, to democratic policing, and from public criminology to deliberative research methods. She teaches across the core criminology modules within the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology (SSPC).
Before coming to work at the University of Liverpool, Liz worked within the Criminal Justice System on a range of applied research projects, including an ESRC-funded Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Newcastle University. This project sought to enhance understanding of public confidence in the criminal justice system.
My time in Singapore has been an excellent opportunity to expand my intellectual horizons and look outside of the Anglo-American and European dominated policing literature for inspiration
During the last two academic years Liz has spent two semesters living in Singapore and teaching on the University’s new BA Criminology and Security course, run in partnership with the Singapore Institute of Technology.
‘Teaching in Singapore has been an absolute delight. The students are very motivated and really get stuck into debating the critical criminological perspectives which our course emphasises.’ Liz said, ‘My time in Singapore has also been an excellent opportunity to expand my intellectual horizons and look outside of the Anglo-American and European dominated policing literature for inspiration. There has been some really interesting research carried out here and it has been a pleasure to make connections with some of the local scholars working in this area.’
Liz is a member of the British Society of Criminology’s Policing Network and is involved with the new £3m N8 Policing Research Partnership funded by the HEFCE Catalyst Fund. This autumn she is organising a one day conference on ‘Democratic Policing in the 21st Century’. To find out more about Liz’s work you can follow her on twitter: @lizt1980.