Photogrammetry remote learning & artefact handling
The Photogrammetry Team not only provides extensive and innovative training in photogrammetry, but our models and outputs have been widely deployed for virtual and remote learning. This has come to the fore particularly with the Covid-19 crisis for which the Photogrammetry Team was able to rapidly deploy a range of models to assist in disrupted modules and course work.
Within two weeks of lockdown the Team built and published a dozen additional models to facilitate an artefact handling assessment in Liverpool. Our models have also been incorporated into remote learning for similar modules at other universities too (e.g. at the University of Oxford).
A 3D scan of an Egyptian bronze cat statue
Although these virtual 3D models cannot replicate the feel and sensations of handling and examining these artefacts in person, this marks the beginning of a new form of remote and augmented learning that would otherwise not be possible.
It also allows greater access for everyone interested to engage with these models, and we find that rather than replacing the in person experience it in fact encourages it with more people wanting to come and see the real object that they have interacted with digitally.
Digital learning material
Moving forward, our models and expertise are being specifically deployed to mitigate against future outbreaks and/or lockdown events.
The team is making a concerted effort to both build more models to meet teaching requirements and also come up with innovative ways to augment teaching with virtual 3D models.
We are currently in collaboration with the Computer Services Department mobile application development team to create apps for teaching, remote learning, public engagement, research communication and also augmented exhibitions (see our first pilot app, the 'Before Egypt' app, here).
Virtually augmented modules in the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology are listed within the Garstang Museum pages here and examples of new virtual teaching materials are also provided.
Photogrammetry training
The Photogrammetry Team focuses on training its members (students and staff alike) through a research driven approach with non-hierarchical knowledge transfer.
This has led to multiple research outputs (from research blogposts to peer reviewed papers) and provides the most practical and engaging approach to learning.
This aspect of the team’s work has led to funding (funding details here) for the further development of learning through student driven research. If you work with us or visit us expect to have a highly professional, knowledgeable and enthusiastic undergraduate show you the ropes!