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Public Lecture: An Emotional History of Atheism in Early Modern England with Professor Alec Ryrie

Posted on: 10 January 2018 by Nick Jones in 2018 Posts

Atheism pamphlet image
An Emotional History of Atheism in Early Modern England with Professor Alec Ryrie

Monday 5th February 2018 5-7pm
Lesley Hernshaw Theatre, Eleanor Rathbone Building

Professor Alec Ryrie is one of the UK’s most prominent historians and theologians, whose work considers the cultural and theological history of the Reformation. His recent book, Protestants: The Radicals who Made the Modern World (2017) explores the history of Protestant belief, from Martin Luther’s 1517 rebellions against the Catholic Church, to the present day. In this paper, he will explore how radical belief can shape, and be shaped by, emotions, identities and spiritualties.

The lecture is free to attend and will be followed by a free drinks reception open to all. Registration essential.

This event is organised by Liverpool Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (LCMRS), a hub for interdisciplinary study and research of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Europe and beyond from c.300 to c.1700. The Centre includes scholars from several disciplines and academic institutions and heritage organisations across the North West of England.
