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Postgraduate Funding Success for Humanities and Social Sciences Students

Posted on: 28 May 2019 by Nick Jones in 2018 Posts

Great news for University of Liverpool PhD candidates.

The Faculty is celebrating recent success in both the AHRC North West Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership (NWCDTP) and ESRC North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP) Studentship competitions.

A total of 29 University of Liverpool PhD Candidates have been awarded funding, 21 of whom will be joining the Faculty, working in a range of disciplines across the Humanities and Social Sciences.

The AHRC NWCDTP comprises the Universities of Manchester, Keele, Lancaster, Liverpool, Manchester Metropolitan, the Royal Northern College of Music and Salford. A total of 13 awards were made to University of Liverpool candidates this year, which includes two Collaborative Doctoral Awards. Studentships were awarded to incoming PhD candidates in the Departments of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, English, History, Law, Modern Languages and Cultures, Music and Philosophy.

The ESRC NWSSDTP comprises the Universities of Liverpool, Keele, Lancaster and Manchester. A total of 16 awards were made to University of Liverpool candidates this year, which includes seven Collaborative (CASE) Studentships. Studentships were awarded to incoming PhD candidates in History, Modern Languages and Cultures, Sociology and the Management School, as well as to the School of Environmental Sciences and the Institute of Psychology, Health and Society.

Hayley Meloy, Faculty PGR Development Officer, said: ‘UKRI funding via the DTPs is crucial for supporting postgraduate training and early career research within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. We’ve seen a range of exciting projects supported this year, and we’re looking forward to welcoming this new cohort when they start in October!’
