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The Pint of Science festival returns to Liverpool

Posted on: 11 April 2018 by Nick Jones in 2018 Posts

Pint of Science 2018 Graphic
Enjoy some science in that hallowed hall of learning, the pub!

The Pint of Science festival returns to Liverpool from 14-16 May and tickets are on sale now, so come and discover some amazing science in the pub!

Join scientists from across the region for three nights of exciting science and find out what psychopaths dream about, how we can use our own immune system to fight cancer, who is really to blame for the obesity crisis, the physics behind gin and tonic and much more!

Some of our Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences colleagues are taking part, so be sure to book your place below, show some support and learn something new.

Greg Lynall and Samuel Solnick will be doing some science poetry at Battle Station Body.

Ceren Kabukcu is speaking about Paleo diet facts and fictions at Food for Thought.

Karl Simms will be presenting Trumpism and Beyond: The New Language of Politics at Trump at Driving and HIV; How Science effects our Society

Alongside the talks there will also be live experiments, fun quizzes and Pint of Science goodies to be won!

Tickets for all events are available here.

Join the Facebook page for the event here. 
