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Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research Call for Papers - Medical Humanities: Futures

Posted on: 3 May 2018 by Nick Jones in 2018 Posts

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Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research Call for Papers - Medical Humanities: Futures

The Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research (NNMHR) is holding its second annual Congress at Weetwood Hall, the University of Leeds, on 20-21 September 2018. They have issued a call for papers on the topic of ‘medical humanities: futures’.

The Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research (NNMHR) was founded in 2013 with the purpose of connecting individuals and institutions working in this dynamic area of interdisciplinary research. The network numbers scholars, practitioners, health professionals, artists and health advocates amongst its members and held its first Congress at Durham University in September 2017.

We are delighted to announce that the second NNMHR Congress will be held at Weetwood Hall, the University of Leeds, on 20-21 September 2018. The logic of the Congress is simple: it is an opportunity for people who are passionate or even simply curious about medical humanities research to present their work, share ideas, and meet potential future colleagues and collaborators. The Congress is not limited to members of the network.

The call for contributions is now open, through the NNMHR website, and below:

  • We invite 200 word proposals for papers (20 minutes) or provocations (10 minutes) on the topic of medical humanities: futures. Presentations might address topics including: representations and imaginations of medical futures; speculative futures of medicine and health; global health cultures and the future; ideas of future health policy or practice; relationships between pasts, presents and futures; or the future of medical humanities as a discipline. As well as work being undertaken in ongoing research, we welcome presentations on research methods, impact, and engagement. Proposals from postgraduate and early career researchers are very welcome, as are those from professionals and practitioners who are actively involved in research but not based in the academy. We also welcome presentations in other/non-traditional formats (e.g. creative pieces, roundtable discussions, etc). We encourage contributions from individuals working in any discipline and at any institution, within the UK or internationally.
  • Researchers working on medical humanities projects are also invited to submit proposals for a marketplace session showcasing collaborations in the field. This was a major success in Durham and we are seeking to make it a regular feature of the Congress and the work of the NNMHR more generally. The format of this showcase is limited only by the imagination of the participating projects and we invite contributions that showcase ideas, images, publications, artefacts and other resources introducing the project and its participants.

Please submit your proposal for the Congress using this form by 25 May 2018. All proposals will be reviewed by staff at the University of Leeds, in consultation with the NNMHR Congress Steering Group, and presenters will be notified by 8 June 2018 when registrations will open. 

The NNMHR Congress is funded by the Wellcome Trust and is free to attend. All refreshments will be provided, including a Congress dinner on the evening of the 20th. Five bursaries covering accommodation and travel of up to £175 will be available to support postgraduate participation at the Congress. Applications for bursaries will be considered following the final selection of panels and papers.

If you have any questions regarding the Congress or the call for papers, please contact Amelia Defalco at the University of Leeds.

Congress Hashtag: #NNMHR2018