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Could You Join The University's Research Staff Association?

Posted on: 22 November 2019 by Nick Jones in 2018 Posts

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Research Staff Association

The University of Liverpool's Research Staff Association is keen to welcome new colleagues to roles within its Steering Group.

In 2018, the Academy led the launch of the University of Liverpool Research Staff Association (UoL RSA). The UoL RSA is a research community-owned and led initiative, which the Academy facilitates financially and logistically.

The aims of the RSA are to provide a voice for research staff within the University and to provide networking and career development opportunities. It acts a conduit between research staff and University committees, having representation on the Research and Impact Committee, the Concordat Steering Group (CSG), and a number of local Institute/School-based committees. The RSA is supported by the Academy to run 6-weekly lunch and learn sessions, an Annual Conference and a Summer Wellbeing event. More recently, it has coordinated a host of successful activities for the 2019 International Post Doc Appreciation Week.

The success of the RSA is underpinned by the participation of its members. This helps to ensure a voice for research staff and underpins activities to support their development, a critical action within the University’s Concordat obligations.

To keep this process operating as intended, the UoL RSA Steering Group requires liaison committee members who represent schools and institutes across the University. At least 2 representatives per School/Institute are required, to:

  • Hold the position for at least six months
  • Attend regular RSA Steering Committee meetings (usually once every 6-weeks)
  • Function as the point of contact for staff within Schools/Institutes regarding issues/problems/sharing of effective practice and bring these to the RSA meetings
  • Actively report back/communicates to their school/institutes with outcomes from the RSA activities
  • Participate in the organisation and promotion of RSA events

Download this document for full details of the roles: Research Staff Association Roles

Getting involved in this kind of activity can have genuine benefits for early career researchers, providing invaluable experience and excellent networking opportunities. Indeed, an example of this positive impact is captured here, by Helen Cauldbeck, who was formally Chair of the RSA.

If any individuals are interested in the above-mentioned positions, they should contact either Saneeya ( or Sarah and Nicola, co-chairs of the UoL RSA, at