It is with great pleasure we are able to share another selection of fantastic funding wins from colleagues across the Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty.
Despite the changes to living, working and conducting research we have all undergone in recent months, it is heartening to see so much important and fascinating work continuing within the University, and the recognition this is receiving from a range of funding bodies.
Below, we share a round-up of recent funding and fellowship successes. Congratulations to all and we’re sure there will be more good news to come soon.
Congratulations to:
Professor Iain Jackson and his team in Architecture who have received £298,182 grant from the Leverhulme Trust to research the 'Architecture of the United Africa Company'.
The UAC and its constituent firms were one of the largest developers in West Africa, and the team will be researching how they helped shape and manipulate the urban context of the region.
Unilever Archives are th project partners and colleaguues be using their vast and unique collection housed in Port Sunlight as their main source, as well as conducting fieldwork in West Africa.
The project will be recruiting 2 full-time, and 1 part-time post-doctoral research assistants in the autumn to work on the project for a 2 year period.
Dr Carly Lightowlers, Senior Lecturer at Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology for her ‘Evaluation of the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership’ project.
As part of a pan Merseyside collaboration with representation from each of the region’s four Universities, Dr Lightowlers will form part of a multi-disciplinary research team - with expertise in public health, psychology, criminology and policing - to evaluate the local Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) on behalf of Merseyside Police. The VRP brings together local police, health and education professionals, community leaders and other key stakeholders to understand the causes of serious violence in Merseyside and agree a co-ordinated response. The research will be led by Dr Zara Quigg at Liverprool John Moores Univerity. (Total contract value £49,502).
Dr. Bruce Routledge. of the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, has been awarded a Leverhulme International Academic Fellowship, with a value of £38,061, for his project 'Reusing and Rethinking Archaeological Data', to be realised in collaboration with the philosopher Prof. Alison Wylie.
The project will examine issues around how archaeologists transform what they excavate into mobile data through description, quantification, visualisation and curation; how they make old data useable in new ways; and how they identify and stabilise new data when they don't know how theses data are going to be used as evidence. The fellowship will allow Dr. Routledge to spend a semester in residence at the University of British Columbia where Prof. Wylie holds a Canada Research Chair in the Philosophy of the Social and Historical Sciences.
Dr Diane Frost (Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology) and Dr Sheila Blackburn (Senior Hon Research Fellow, History) have been awarded £123.675 by the Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant to fund their research: 'Work, Authority and Poverty: Charles Booth and Liverpool.'
The project aims to examine under-researched scholarship and re-frame the debates by widening attention from London to Liverpool. Lessons from history, the project argues, can be utilised to help highlight contemporary social problems around precarity and poverty, and accord with Liverpool’s School of Law and Social Justice’s emphasis on ‘challenging injustice and promoting equality of opportunity’. With its focus on Liverpool, the project will additionally complement the Heritage research theme, part of the University’s six interdisciplinary themes, embracing a cross-fertilisation of research from the humanities and social sciences.
Dr Robin Whelan, from the Department of History, has been awarded a prestigious AHRC Early Career Leadership Fellows grant for his project entitled: ‘The Christian State in Late Antiquity: Officials, Identities, and Religious Change, c. 400-600 CE’. It will commence on 1 September 2020 for two years.
Dr Luca Bernardi (Department ofPolitics) was just awarded a British Academy Covid-19 Small Grant. His project will focus on the consequences of Covid-19 on mental health and political attitudes. These grants typically have a low success rate for applications, so congratulations to Luca on his win!
The Faculty has recently seen a number of Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship wins:
Dr Sarah Parkhouse will join the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, where she will be working with Dr Glenn Godenho on her project entitled: ‘Coptic Apocrypha, Lived Religion and the Egyptian Landscape’.
Dr Charlotte Van Regenmortel will also join the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, where she will be working with Dr Zosia Archibald on her project entitled: ‘Labour in the Hellenistic Age: Workers, Wages, and Markets’.
Dr Antonia Wimbush will join the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures where she will be working with Professor Charles Forsdick on her project entitled: ‘Representing the BUMIDOM: French Caribbean Migration in Literature and Culture’.
Dr Stephen Hewer will join the Institute of Irish Studies where he will be working with Dr Clare Downham on his project entitled: ‘Minorities under English Rule: Gaels in Ireland and Flemish in England 1150-1300’.
Well done, once again, to all.
If you have some good news or success you’d like to share with the wider Faculty and Institution, please get in touch with Nick Jones in the Research & Impact team.