HIST 520 Sources of Cultural History

This module explores ‘Sources in Cultural History’ by introducing students to a broad range of sources associated with the study of cultural history, including aspects of oral history, visual culture, film and the mass media, and written texts. In weekly two-hour seminars we will explore a variety of key texts that engage with a number of different primary sources, developing a critical awareness of the interpretive problems and possibilities associated with certain source materials. Seminars are based on roundtable discussion, in conjunction with informal, mini-lectures and group work, designed to explore ongoing historiographical and theoretical debates over approaches to and interpretations of primary sources.


Semester 2

Additional details

Available to join anytime during semester 2. Each seminar is designed around a different type of source. In the past, we have seen topics such as oral history, visual history, material culture, natural history collections, film, advertising, photography, memoirs, animals, and weather recordings. You are welcome to come to all of the seminars, or simply drop into the seminar(s) that you are most interested in. The topics will be decided in December.

Registering to audit the module

Contact Dr Katherine Arnold directly: K.E.Arnold@liverpool.ac.uk

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