
The Pensions Team provides information, guidance and support to members and prospective members of the pension schemes provided by the University for its employees and workers.

The Team is responsible for providing a full administration service to all members and prospective members of the University of Liverpool Pension Fund (ULPF), the University's support staff pension scheme, and for providing information and guidance to academic and academic-related staff in respect of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and the NHS Pension Scheme (NHSPS). The Team also provides general information to prospective members of the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST).

Which pension scheme is for me?

Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS)

The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) is a national scheme for eligible employees who are employed in an academic or academic-related roles. Employees who are in receipt of a USS pension are not eligible to rejoin USS.

University of Liverpool Pension Fund (ULPF)

The University of Liverpool Pension Fund (ULPF) is the University's pension scheme for support staff, which includes eligible employees in clerical, manual or technical roles. Employees who are in receipt of a ULPF pension are not eligible to rejoin ULPF.

The National Health Service Pension Scheme (NHSPS)

New employees in clinical or clinical-related roles in the Faculty of Health & Life Sciences, who have been a member of the National Health Service Pension Scheme (NHSPS) in the 12 months prior to their appointment, may apply to remain in the NHSPS providing they do so within three months of their appointment.

National Employment Savings Trust (NEST)

The National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) is the University's pension scheme for casual workers and student workers and for employees who are not eligible to join USS or ULPF.