Bambis Breastfeeding Friendly Charter

The University of Liverpool is proud to have joined the Breastfeeding Mayoral Quality Mark promoting our campus as a breastfeeding friendly environment.

By signing up to the Breastfeeding Friendly Charter, the University has agreed to commit to the following:

  1. We welcome babies to be breastfed in any publicly accessible area of the University campus (or specifically designated spaces for our staff and students only)
  2. A mother, who is breastfeeding, will not be asked to move or stop breastfeeding
  3. We understand that some women prefer privacy when breastfeeding and we will do all we can to help them. Where possible, private areas will be made available for breastfeeding mothers who would prefer privacy to feed
  4. We will always provide a free glass of water to any breastfeeding mother
  5. We will always provide a free cup of tea or coffee per visit in our commercial café venues.

The University has identified the following Public Bambi Breastfeeding Friendly spaces:

  • Augustus John Pub
  • Chemistry Building Cafe’
  • Leahurst House Café
  • Life Science Building Café
  • Management School Café
  • Ness Gardens Café
  • Sydney Jones Library Café
  • Waterhouse Café (Victoria Gallery & Museum)
  • Vine Court Café
  • Liverpool Guild - Sphinx Bar, Court Yard Bar, Starbucks, and Guild Walk.
  • The School of Law and Social Justice foyer/cafeteria area.

The University has also identified a number of Breastfeeding Friendly Spaces which are available for our students and member of staff only. All Breastfeeding Friendly Areas are easily identified by the Bambis logo Breastfeeding Poster (PDF). 

Breastfeeding charter logo