PhD students
Here you'll find links to our current PhD students along with their thesis titles.
Equal pay for women and Tories Out!”: The Women’s Movement in Merseyside, c.1968-1990.
Bodies of (Dis)Order: Definitions of Abortion in Early Modern England.
Monstrous men in the medieval mind: intertextuality and interpretation, c.1200-1350.
The Construction of Christian Identity in Late Antique North Africa, 350-533.
The Celtic Edge: Amphibious Environments and Senses of Self on the Breton and Welsh Coasts, 1870s-1930s.
Charity, Piety and Commerce: The Liverpool Blue Coat School and Pragmatic Politeness, 1708–1796.
The English Ambassadress in a Cosmopolitan World: Women, Diplomacy and Politics in the Long 18th Century.
Zimbabwe's Conflict Watersheds: Challenges for Peacebuilding.
Breaking and Remaking the British Egg: Intersections of Class, Health and Animal Welfare, 1956-1999.
Race, Slavery and Abolition at the Liverpool Athenaeum and Beyond, 1797-1833.
Death and Emotions in Sixteenth-Century England: Preparing to Die, Funerals and the Afterlife.