History lecturer raises thousands to support Liverpool child health research

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Dr Jonathan Hogg, senior lecturer in the History Department, has raised more than £5,000 for a research project run at Liverpool Women’s Hospital.

In 2014 Jonathan’s son, Arlo Dutton Hogg, was stillborn at full term. His partner, Katy Dutton, formerly a lecturer in the Department of History was so well cared for at Liverpool Women’s Hospital that Jonathan decided to run the Wirral Half Marathon in October to raise money for the hospital.

Dr Stephen Kenny, lecturer in History, also entered the race along with some of Jonathan’s family and friends.

Jonathan and Katy recently met with the research team, led by Professor Zarko Alfirevic at the University’s Institute of Translational Medicine, to learn about how the money will be spent.

The funding, in memory of Arlo, will go towards part of the project run by Dr Kate Navaratnam, which aims to understand pre-eclampsia, and ultimately reduce its incidence and outcomes arising from it, including stillbirth.

This funding will allow Dr Navaratnam to conduct additional cardiovascular and placental studies. More than 100 women will take part in the research, which has the potential to make a difference to future babies, not just in Liverpool but globally.

Jonathan and Katy would like to thank all University staff who contributed to their fundraising effort in memory of Arlo.

To find out more about supporting research in child health, please visit: To donate in support of the project or find out more please visit http://www.liv.ac.uk/giving/child-health/