It’s that time of year again. But you’ve got this. Deep breath.
Knowing your revision style and what works for you will help you to get into the revision mind set. We’ve put together a few tips that we think could help you on your way to revision success.
Know your environment and your style
- Do you find saying things out loud helps? Or maybe walking around or writing everything down? Make sure you know what techniques work for you. There are plenty of quizes online to find out what type of learner you are. Try out the learning techniques they suggest.
- Also, work where you work best: in silence, with music blasting, at home or in the library?
Revision timetables
- Plan your time and make the most of it. Create a timetable of which topic you need to revise and at what time. Try the 25 to 5 minute rule: schedule 25 minute intervals of study into your timetable and include time for 5 minute breaks in between sessions. Walk around, make yourself a drink. Let your brain rest before you start something new. Timetabling will also help you to time manage and visualise how much you have covered.
Write it down
- Often the best way to get information to stick is to do it the old fashioned way. Write down your notes by hand or copy them out.
- Another sound method is creating mind maps as they can be more visual. Often using images in mind maps is a concise means of your brain storing information. Thinking of the image can then trigger your brain into remembering specific information in your exam.
- Flash cards are also fantastic tools as, like mind maps, they act as a quick prompt and allow you to remeber more information.
Never underestimate the power of colour!
- Highlight like there is no tomorrow! Your notes, flash cards, spider diagrams whatever you think is important and needs to stay in your brain, highlight it.
The past can help!
- Go through past papers. See if the same or similar questions keep appearing. If they do try to write practice answers that you could alter and regurgitate in the exam. Preparation is key.
And most importantly.... Don't go overboard! (Yes it is possible!)
- Breaks and down time are just as important. There’s only so much your brain can take in at once. Revising successfully is not only about studying, you need to take regular breaks and do something that you enjoy. Reward yourself, you’ve worked hard! Make sure you exercise, eat well, drink water, get enough sleep and do something that you enjoy!
Try some of our tips out and mix it up. You never know, you may find your ultimate revision technique!
All that’s left to do is get down to it. We hope this has been helpful and of course, best of luck in your exams!
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Study in the Department of History at the University of Liverpool.