Past Events

Watch previous seminars held by the Centre for Higher Education Studies.

Thursday 21 March 2024 
Tales of the unexpected: the lives and experiences of working-class academics

Dr. Iona Burnell Reilly presented a lecture titled "Tales of the Unexpected: The Lives and Experiences of Working-Class Academics." This event, hosted by the Centre for Higher Education Studies, explored the journeys and challenges of working-class academics through powerful autoethnographic accounts.


21/10/2020: Enhancing digital capability in the curriculum (Speaker: Dr Tünde Varga-Atkins, Centre for Innovation in Education, University of Liverpool)

13/11/2019: Levelling the Playing Field in Higher Education (Jo McNeill, Fair Access in Admissions Manager)

14/05/19: Quality in Higher Education: Developing a Virtue of Professional Practice (Professor Ming Cheng)

20/03/19: Employability and Beyond: Making a Contribution to a Collective Effort Through One's Work (Dr Peter Kahn)

06/03/19: Investigating the Value of Different Varieties of Draft Submissions in Undergraduate Literature Modules (Dr Melissa Raines)

13/02/19: Intervening in Management Students' Placement Experience to Removie Barriers in the Use of Theory (Dr Simon Snowden)

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