Academic publications

Academic publications from the Heseltine Institute team.


The state of British policymaking: How can UK government become more effective?
August 2024
Prof Catherine Durose
In an article for Parliamentary Affairs, Catherine and colleagues ask ow can UK and devolved governments be more effective when addressing chronic problems like inequalities or crises like climate change.

How local practices of sociopolitical innovation develop: and why this matters for urban transformation
July 2024
Prof Catherine Durose
This new article in the International Journal for Urban and Regional Research considers how social innovations emerge, develop and become institutionalised, and why this matters for understanding urban transformations.

Spatial imaginaries and the politics of inter-regional transport infrastructure development in Northern England
June 2024
Dr Tom Arnold
This article in European Planning Studies explores how relationships between policy actors at different scales, and their changing character over time, shape the production of spatial imaginaries and their use in transport infrastructure planning. 

Knowledge for the Commons: What is needed now?
March 2024
Prof Catherine Durose
How can we advance commoning of shared resources by re-thinking how we study it? A new article in The International Journal of the Commons from Professor Catherine Durose and colleagues identifies the knowledge needed to build commoning. Read the X thread.

Citizen participation in public management: activated, empowered, responsibilised, abandoned?
February 2024
Prof Catherine Durose
A chapter by Heseltine Institute Co-director, Catherine Durose, Beth Perry (University of Sheffield) and Liz Richardson (University of Manchester) looks at the default to traditional expertise during COVID-19 and the shifting forms that citizen voice and influence can take. Read the X thread.



Freedom, domination and the gig economy
August 2023
Dr James Hickson
In this article, published in New Political Economy, Heseltine Institute Research Associate Dr James Hickson argues that greater freedom in the labour market will not be achieved by promoting precarious forms of gig work, but through rebuilding the rights and protections available to all working people.

Gendering Discretion: Why Street-Level Bureaucracy Needs a Gendered Lens
June 2023
Prof. Catherine Durose et al.
This article published in Political Studies argues that gender influences how discretion is exercised in making and implementing public policy. A gendered lens is needed to reveal how discretion can impact in/equality. A twitter thread summarising the argument is available here.

Leadership and the hidden politics of co-produced research: a Q-methodology study
January 2023
Prof. Catherine Durose et al.
This research published in the International Journal of Social Research Methodology found four distinct viewpoints on what is 'good' leadership for co-production, with different emphases on creativity, outcomes, vision or equality.

COVID-19 and the Case Against Neoliberalism
January 2023
Dr James Hickson et al.
This book seeks to better understand the meaning and implications of the UKs calamitous encounter with the COVID-19 global pandemic for the future of British neoliberalism.



'Levelling up' post-industrial city-regions in England. Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning
December 2022
Dr Tom Arnold, Dr James Hickson
This paper assesses how the Levelling Up The UK White Paper frames the problem of interregional inequality and how this can be addressed in England’s ‘second-tier’ city-regions.

Is Co-Production a 'Good' Concept: Three Responses
September 2022
Prof. Catherine Durose et al.
In this research published in Futures, we found that: Co-production’s value to future studies depends on its conceptual ‘goodness’; There are different approaches to assessing if co-production is a ‘good’ concept; We identify three distinct approaches: clarification, elucidation and provocation; Each differs in assessing the conceptual meaning, purpose and value of co-production; We show there is value in more pluralistic ways of conceptualising co-production.

Design for public policy: Embracing uncertainty and hybridity in mapping future research
July 2022
Prof. Catherine Durose et al.
Published in the proceedings of the Design Research Society Annual Conference held in Bilbao, Spain, this research critically assesses the potential of the emerging new field of 'design for policy'.

Working the urban assemblage: A transnational study of transforming practices
May 2022
Prof. Catherine Durose et al.
This research published in Urban Studies brings together rich qualitative data with new theoretical perspectives to assess how the city can be re-made.

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