Survey launched for readers of the COVID-19 policy briefs series

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The Heseltine Institute has this week launched a survey to collect feedback from readers of its COVID-19 policy briefs series.

As society reopens from lockdown and hopes rise of some kind of return to normality, a new series of policy briefs will soon be launched, focusing on the medium to long-term opportunities and challenges that cities and city regions will face as they look to recover and prosper in the wake of the pandemic.

As publishers, this is a natural moment to pause and evaluate whether the first series of policy briefs – which focused to a greater extent on the immediate crises wrought by the pandemic – was successful in its objectives.

COVID-19 policy briefs were designed to complement and add value to the work of civic leaders and policymakers in Liverpool City Region as they responded to the profound local challenges arising from the pandemic. Between April 2020 and July 2021, over 40 papers were published addressing a wide range of COVID-related issues.

Readers have until 31st August 2021 to complete the short survey, which can be accessed here.