Honorary Clinical Appointments
The Faculty of Health and Life Sciences has launched a formal process for the conferment of honorary academic titles on our colleagues working in our valued NHS partners.
The award of these titles reflects the importance the Faculty places on our close relationship with the NHS Trusts in the Liverpool region and the significant contribution our NHS colleagues make to the teaching and research agendas of the University of Liverpool.
Important dates
Paperwork for new applications and renewals should be submitted by 5pm on Sunday 20 April 2025.
The next meeting of the Honorary Clinical Appointments Committee is on Monday 2 June 2025.
These honorary appointments are available to individuals who participate in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and/or who wish to avail themselves of opportunities for clinical research.
Honorary appointments are valuable to our collaborative endeavour, supporting these efforts by providing access to the significant resources at the Faculty’s disposal, whilst harnessing outputs for the benefit of the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, and our shared objective of improving patient care, across the region.
For advice about applying for these positions, the formal conferment process and the criteria required for promotion please view the video by Professor Paul May, below.
Further details concerning the practical elements of the formal process are outlined in the attached appendices.
How do I apply for an Honorary Title?
Please read the Guidelines for Clinical Honorary Appointments together with the Criteria for the Award of Honorary Clinical Academic Titles documents in the first instance, and decide which title you would like to apply for.
Once you have determined which honorary title you wish to apply for, please download and complete, in full, the appropriate form, ensuring that it has been signed off, as appropriate.
Where a support letter from the Trust is required, this must be from someone who understands and endorses the work that you as an individual do on behalf of the University and what the impact is. An appropriate person could be your Clinical/Medical Director/Sub-Dean or Line Manager.
Once the form is completed, please submit it to hlsclinicalhonorary@liverpool.ac.uk, along with the relevant supporting documentation.
Please note incomplete applications will not be processed and will be returned to the applicant.
Available titles
1. Honorary Clinical Fellow (HCF)*
HCF status provides access to University systems, and is usually conferred on those who need immediate access for purposes aligned to; teaching, research, integrated clinical academic training, and administration.
HCF status is not restricted to non-consultant level posts.
2. Honorary Clinical Lecturer (HCL)**
The title of Honorary Clinical Lecturer recognises NHS Clinical Staff, General Practitioners or others working in a clinical setting who are engaged with the University of Liverpool’s teaching agenda.
3. Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer (HSCL)***
The title of Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer recognises NHS Clinical Staff, General Practitioners or others working in a clinical setting who are playing, or who wish to play, a major role in the work of the University, through participation in defined undergraduate or postgraduate University teaching roles and/ or research contribution.
- Senior Clinical Lecturer Honorary Appointment Form 2024
- HLS Letter of Support - Blank Proforma
- Trust Letter of Endorsement - Blank Proforma
4. Honorary Clinical Associate Professor (HCAP)***
The title of Honorary Clinical Associate Professor would be conferred on an individual to recognise specific research achievement as part of a broader academic role. An associate professor will be required to demonstrate a high level of excellence in research with an international profile.
- Clinical Associate Professor Application Form 2024
- HLS Letter of Support - Blank Proforma
- Trust Letter of Endorsement - Blank Proforma
5. Honorary Clinical Professor (HCP)***
Exceptionally, the title of Honorary Clinical Professor may be conferred on those who are of sufficiently high academic distinction that, were they University of Liverpool employees, they would be credible candidates for the award of a Personal Chair.
- Clinical Professor Honorary Appointment Form 2024
- HLS Letter of Support - Blank Proforma
- Trust Letter of Endorsement - Blank Proforma
* The conferring of honorary clinical title 1 is approved at the discretion of the Clinical Academic Office.
** The conferring of honorary clinical title 2 is awarded at the discretion of the Dean of the School of Medicine.
*** The conferring of honorary clinical titles 3 – 5 will be overseen by the Honorary Clinical Appointments Committee.
**** Once a title has been awarded, the way in which Title Holders can refer to themselves is explained on the relevant application forms.
Please see the individual application form for the way in which the Title Award can be used.
Honorary Clinical Professors are not established chairs or personal chairs and consequently Honorary Clinical Professors may indicate their title designation as e.g. “Professor J A Smith, Honorary Clinical Professor” but NOT “Professor J A Smith, Professor of Maternal Medicine”.
If you would like to increase your contribution to teaching activity, please read our Teaching Contribution Guidance.
Further guidance on teaching at the university is also available on the teaching website.
If you have any further queries, please contact Professor Hazel Scott ( Dean of Medical School) at teachmed@liverpool.ac.uk, Professor Luke Dawson ( Dean of Dental School) at L.Dawson@liverpool.ac.uk, or Professor Fiona Rowe ( Nursing and AHP) at rowef@liverpool.ac.uk and they will be happy to advise in this regard.
For further information visit our Guidance for Clinical Honorary Applicants
Submitting your completed application
Once you have determined which honorary title you wish to apply for, please send your completed application form and relevant supporting documentation to the email or postal address below, as one email.
Please note incomplete applications will not be processed.
Please return your application to: