The Sir Robert Boyd Fellowship

Call is now open for biomedicine/health research researchers who are working, or who propose to work, in their first postdoctoral position at a University in the North West of England. Candidates identifying as Black, Asian, or another ethnicity considered to be a minority in the UK will be prioritised.

Call for applications 2024

The University of Liverpool has been invited to submit one candidate for the Sir Robert Boyd Fellowship. If you are interested in applying for the Fellowship, to be hosted at the University of Liverpool, please see details of the process below.

There will be a demand management process in order to select the single candidate.

Candidate eligibility

  • The primary aim of the Fellowship is to support an excellent postdoctoral researcher in the transition to becoming an independent scientist: Biomedicine/health research researchers who are working, or who propose to work, in their first postdoctoral position at a University in the North West of England.
  • Its secondary aim, is to enable the progression of early career researchers from black, Asian or other minority ethnic backgrounds who are generally under-represented in biomedicine/health research. More information on candidate selection can be found below.
  • Ideally, but not necessarily, the fellow will be working in an area of research need relevant to older people and which is relatively underfunded (e.g. cancer and cardiovascular research would have a lower priority for the Trust). By the terms of the Trust endowment we cannot fund research exclusively focused on children.

What is on offer

  • Fellowships will provide funding for up to £330,000 over three years, and this may cover any justified cost required to perform the proposed research. This could include salary support of the proposed fellow, funding for a technician, research assistant or PhD student to work with the fellow, research consumable costs etc.

Application process

Internal Demand Management

Two steps:

  1. Please notify of your interest in applying as soon as possible. Supply your name, and the research area of your application. This will allow us to put you in contact with the appropriate research group to host your application, as well as early identification of appropriate reviewers.
  2. Please note the panel criteria below, and submit an Expression of Interest by 12pm Friday 6 September date, containing:
      • A one-page CV
      • A one-page research proposal, including its impact on research and practice in the chosen field
      • A statement of support from the academic lead of your host research group on: the fit of your project to the group; the quality of the host research group and its environment; and proposed training programme (max of 250 words, bullet point format)
      • Option to state your ethnic background (a reminder that applicants from black, Asian or other minority ethnic backgrounds who are generally under-represented in biomedicine/health research will be prioritised)

An internal panel will review all applications. The criteria to make the final decision will be on the basis of:

  1. Quality of applicant and his/her/their potential to become a leader in the chosen field;
  2. Quality of the host research group, environment and proposed training programme;
  3. Quality of proposal and its potential for impact on research and practice in the chosen field;
  4. Where two applications score equally on criteria a., b. and c. candidates identifying as Black, Asian, or another ethnicity considered to be a minority in the UK will be prioritised.

External deadline

The selected candidate will be notified by Friday 13 September.

The application form can be found on the website of the Dowager Countess Eleanor Peel Trust

Deadline for applications is Friday 1st November 2024

A panel of Trustees of the Dowager Countess Eleanor Peel Trust will shortlist applications and those whose applications pass the eligibility and quality threshold will be invited for interview with the selection panel in early January 2025.

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