I am a dedicated and knowledgeable microscopist with years of experience in a range of different imaging techniques. I have worked with microscopes both as a user, working through my PhD and Masters projects, and as a member of staff, working to support users during my time at the Centre for Cell Imaging, UoL.
I started my career path conducting a Masters of Biology degree at Durham University, during which I used STORM, 3D-SIM and confocal microscopy to study protein transport via the nuclear pore complex. I then moved to the University of Liverpool to undertake a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Physiology, using confocal microscopy (including techniques such as FRET, FRAP) and AFM to study nuclear force coupling in HGPS.
I am now employed by the Centre for Cell Imaging as an imaging specialist. I oversee the introduction and training of new users, the imaging of user projects and the maintenance of the equipment. I play a leading role in implementing new imaging techniques within the facility, and provide knowledge and expertise in the development of imaging projects. I also manage and implement facility health and safety, as well assist in the routine administration of the facility.