I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Science from the University of Sheffield in 2012. After spending time working as an Anatomy Demonstrator at the University of Sheffield, I went on to work for the NHS in both clinical laboratory and pharmacy roles, in addition to working in the veterinary industry. In 2019, I returned to the University of Sheffield to undertake an MSc in Human Anatomy with Education, where I also received recognition as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (now AdvanceHE). Since joining the Human Anatomy Resource Centre (HARC) as an Anatomy Demonstrator in October 2019, I've been involved with the design and delivery of a variety of programmes, including medicine, dentistry and allied health professions. Currently, with my interest in pedagogy, my main responsibility is Module Co-ordinator for ‘Anatomical Education’, a module forming part of the PGCert programme ‘Clinical Anatomy with Education’. I am also involved with the development and delivery of postgraduate courses and surgical training events for qualified medical practitioners (including specialist registrars, core trainee and more established surgeons) and other healthcare practitioners.